Facebook redesign What are we talking about When we talk about facebook ? Or severely than all,social network. The first things I am thinking about is information subscription, the whole information operating system.For example when I log in the facebook page, we actually have trapped in a information waterfall, The photos,status of our friend just …
August 2013 archive
Aug 31
Week 2 Day 1 Reading Response
Escaping Flatland: The idea that “every opportunity to spread through additional information over an already-available dimension must be cherished” resonated with me. The author stated this when discussing the train schedule mapping on pages 24-25. This reminds me of something I read in Donald Norman’s book, The Design of Everyday Things. Norman discusses the confusion …
Aug 30
Mind Over Mouse
Hey guys, Thought I would share this article. It goes over what we talked a bit about in class regarding the use of thoughts to interact with technology. (This was in 2011!) http://www.gizmag.com/thought-controlled-cursor/18353/
Aug 28
Facebook Redesign
My concept about the redesign is to make the home page looks more simplify, and let people feel more comfortable by using it. When I use the Facebook, I don’t really like the way they put our photos and status. The left and right side bars really occupy a lot of space, and this is …
Aug 28
Facebook ReInvite: OpenDoor
OpenDoor Idea: I got the idea from the dry erase doors set up in the new University center dorms. OpenDoor or OD would be a blend between the socializing aspect of Facebook and the pseudo-world type realities of Second-Life and Home for PlayStation. At the top level there would be a global view of …
Aug 28
Week1 Response
The readings made me consider a host of inconsistencies between how we use and perceive social media. I think that they stem from the problem that users have created a disconnect between how they interact and express themselves online, as opposed to reality. Similarly to how natural user interfaces are different from the natural actions …
Aug 28
The Future Freaks Me Out
Well, that was sunny. Concerns about privacy and privacy education naturally occupy some rather large real estate in my mind. I’ve been working with teenagers in formal and informal education for 10 years and it constantly astounds me how little they know about what should be on the internet and how to create positive internet …
Aug 28
Facebook: the Selfie ReInvented
Instead of improving on or redesigning Facebook as it stands, I want to create a project that makes a point about how Facebook is used. I find it so interesting how people portray themselves on Facebook. My concept starts with idea of the selfie. Which is not common among ALL users, but among many. With …
Aug 28
Week 1 Reading Assignment
MAJOR STUDIO READING ASSIGNMENT: 1 While at face value, these reading samples are well out of each other’s topographical realms there is a certain flow that leads from the capitalization of social and technological identity to the natural flow of humanity. Humanity as defined by both the individual and the whole is a finite …
Aug 28
Week 1 Reading Assignment
The article “Natural User Interfaces Are Not Natural” brought to mind a lot of design concepts that , much to my dismay, I had never stopped to question. The use of the one-click, right-click, two-click, three-click options with a mouse seems practically innate to me at this point. Though, when really thinking about its operation, …