Pre Work Write Up: The Threshold Guardian v Precedents and their themes: Heimdall – Portal Guardian from Thor Movie/Comic Origin: Mysterious warrior charged with guarding the portal too different realms. One of the most powerful warriors in his kingdom, guarding the greatest source of power: transportation to other worlds. Weapon: Two handed sword. Token: …
September 2013 archive
Sep 09
7 in 7: Day 2 – The Mentor
Pre Work Write Up: v Precedents and their themes: Yoda – Star Wars Movie Trilogies Origin: Wise, Oldest living Jedi Master before and after fall of jedi. Weapon: Lightsaber – Walking Crutch Token: Connection to the force, release of material processions. Clothes: Jedi Robes Ethos: True Neutral Personality: Wise leader, laments inability to prevent …
Sep 09
7 in 7: Day One – The Hero
Pre Work Write Up: The Hero v Precedents and their themes: Cloud Strife – Final Fantasy VII Video game Origin: Villager, Joined soldier to prove self. Weapon: Buster Sword – Ultimate Sword Token: White Materia (after death of Aeris) and the Buster Sword as his deceased best friends weapon. Clothes: SOLDIER outfit. (contradictory wearing the …
Sep 09
Week 3 – Reading Assignment Day 1
Week 3 – Reading Response Assignment The reading assignments for week three touch at the very core of what it measn to design. Excusing the almost direct pun portrayed by that statement in reference to the last reading, Maeda’s “What is Design”, these articles show the entire iceberg of the design industry that is …
Sep 09
7 in 7– Day2 –Go Yankee
I went to Yankee Stadium to watch baseball game, fans are so exciting to see Yankee could hit the ball, so I did this ‘Go Yankee’ hat, there are two iron wires in the hat, so when you pull the wires, the bat will hit the baseball, when you release the wires, they are separating. …
Sep 09
On Prototypes
I have to say right off the bat that I am actually obsessed with the pizza box prototype (in What do Prototypes Prototype?). It is genius in its simplicity, resourcefulness, cost, and effect. Bill Buxton’s definition of a prototype through highlighting the differences between sketches and prototypes (What Sketches [and Prototypes] Are and Are Not.) …
Sep 09
7 in 7: Day 4
For today’s project I wanted to expand on my previous idea of creating instruments from Ikea parts. But instead of using those parts to create my own song, I built the sounds in a program so other uses could play the ‘instruments’ as well. I have the basic functionality of the program working. There …
Sep 09
7in7 Day6- Save a Cow
Many people don’t realize that supporting the dairy industry also supports the meat industry. In order to get milk from a cow, that cow must give birth to a calf. In order for the dairy industry to make money and have a product to sell, the calf is taken from it’s mother, not able to …