September 2013 archive

Reading Response : Prototype !

“experience prototyping”  I think we are practicing and experiencing prototypes everyday. I mean when we read books or watch movies, we practices future experience without notice. For instance, Harry Porter novel describes a magical thing that people in newspaper, pictures move and says something in dynamic and after the movie shows how it will look …

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7in7- day5

Today, I wanted to explore Javascript which I am not used to use the language( actually, this is the first time to code with Javascript except making “hello world” thing.) I wanted to make a e-book cover with small animation for “The Little Prince”, which is one of my favorite book. This is a prototype, …

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7 in 7, fifth day!

Today i use Photoshop to create a flashing icon, it has three colors in three work status, blue, red and black, i create the texture into surface of this icon, it can make it to be true. and i set a light on this icon, it will make the people to feel that this is …

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7 in 7(day 05)

Today I finally made a short animation of “Woody the Chick” which I mentioned yesterday (so happy to fulfill my promise :D), and of course, this time I used After Effects to do it. To make this animation, first I took a short film of my desk and used it as the background of the …

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7 in 7-Day 5 Texture Distortion

Given our recent readings on sketching and prototyping, I wanted to create a prototype for visualizing and changing texture using an optical tool. My constraints are still to use an organic subject matter, in this case an orange. I first made simple sketches of the cross section of an orange to depict the difference in …

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Week 3- Reading response Week 3- Prototype

As a former industrial design student and a product designer, prototype is not a fresh concept for me. During the time when I was in another master program in California and my internship in southeast Asia, I have done so many kinds of prototypes: foam model, sketch model, commercial use model and models that were …

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Reading Response- Prototyping

Reading these articles have shown me that prototyping, sketching, making mock-ups, all exist to fulfill a unique role in the design process. In “What do prototypes prototype”, we learn its three purposes are showing a product’s role, its aesthetics, and its implementation. In “Experience Prototyping”, we see that this study fits in closely to understanding …

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7 in 7 for Day 5 Watch Ur Time

Today my project is time reminder machine. I did this because after our 7 in 7 project , my schedule became very busy. And I believe in 20/80 Principle. People always spend 20% time to finish 80% works.  Time went on unconsciously. So this time machine just make us to see the fact that time …

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7 in 7 5th Project- Save a piece of paper, Save a piece of tree.

The waste of paper napkins is not the only concern for fast food restaurants and cafes, but also it is a major concern for our environment. It seems difficult to prevent people wasting napkins in restaurants or cafes, because they are so cheap and very convenient to grab and use, unless there is some people …

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Reading Response Week 3

Buxton describes sketching as an “archetypal activity associated with design”. I like his remark on the definition, yet I think all designs are also at some point “archetypal”, although I’m not a fan of making the whole concept of how we think and work be overly academic or static or certain, as the open and …

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