September 2013 archive

4th of 7 in 7

Today’s constrain was to make something that uses my phone’s gyroscope. During brainstorming, I kept coming back to something similar to those apps that people use for stargazing that lets them see constellations when they point their phone at the night sky. I decided to make an app for looking at clouds, thinking back to …

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7 in 7(day 4)

I haven’t used After Effects before, so this time I decided to make a title sequence of my name. I added a sound effect on it, it’s the sound of honey bees. It took me about 1 hour to finished it, and the final one looks so funny: honey bees fly around my name. The …

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7in7 Day 4- Escape Artist

Today I decided to test out my very limited javaScript skills. I created an animation where you will see a man ready to eat a pig. If you click on the pig he will escape. I would love to continue to play around with this and enable the pig to jump over the hungry man, …

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7in7- Day 4 Weeds of NYC

    Even in New York City, we are still surrounded by nature and organic matter.  One must simply look a little harder to see it. I created this interactive graphic via Processing to identify common weeds that can be found in the city. I define weeds as plants that can grow on their own …

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7 in 7. third day!

I like photography, because I want to use the camera to record everything. Lots and lots of wonderful memories they have left me with, making my life ever so beautiful. This is a glass cup, there are a bit of tea in the water in the cup. So I use backlighting to show this cup. …

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7 in 7(3rd)- storage box

Since I moved into my new home, I didn’t have any storage box in my bedroom, therefore I have to put everything on my desk, and this is the reason why my desk looks so mussy. So I decided to make a tiny little storage box using the material of a cookie box. When I …

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7 in 7 – Day03

Rather than interacting with people by touching or clicking, I wanted to make something that people can experience and explore how senses (I chose visual and aural for my project) can really affect to their emotions by themselves. Here is a prototype of the project – ” Eye versus Ear “.   The main first …

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3rd of 7 in 7

To keep with the tradition of overusing the number 7, I decided to try and piece together an fps in 7 hours. constrain: make an first person shooter in 7 hours. The idea is based off of the 7 Hour FPS jam that happened on august 3rd. The code for the mouse and keyboard input, as …

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[7IN7] 003 – Furniture & Getting Started with Arduino

First time using Arduino…excited!

7 in 7 for Day3 NY Navigation sticker

Project motivation: When  I came to NYC I always get lost in New York subway . So today’s project is about NY subway. I want to find a solution for myself. I provided a couples of possibility for myself: maybe I should redesign the whole NY subway navigation system. However it doesn’t looks like a …

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