September 2013 archive

7 in 7. first day!

I use Photoshop to create a crystal ball. There are some drops on the surface of the crystal ball. Why do i want to create a crystal ball, because i very very like this feeling from the crystal ball, pure,pellucid,and smooth.

[7IN7] 001 – Glitching RAW

    My constraint of the 7IN7 projects is the connection (or disconnection) between online and offline media and content, construction and deconstruction of design elements, and the relationship between human and the screen.   First project is not really expectedly satisfying, but here it is. I use different text/ sound editors to modify a …

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7 in 7 / First day

Constraints : Interactive project based on consideration of human sensibility – happy, sorrow, solitude and etc. The reason why I chose the direction of 7 in 7 ideas is because I’m interested in HCI and human’s feelings, and I want to explore more of interactive design with my interest. For the first project, I made …

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1st of 7 in 7

Constraints: Make a mobile exploration game. Player can only user one touch to play. Actually figure out how to deploy a prototype. So for a while now I’ve wanted to figure out how to compile and deploy prototypes on a mobile device (something i’ve never done alone). my design for the gameplay was a minimalist …

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7 in 7 Day 1

I’m interested in the use of organic material  to create man-made objects with typically mechanical functions.  By using perishable or biodegradable substances, one must consider how the object will hold up against decay during the time its functioning with another purpose.  In my first project I wanted to create a lantern out of a pepper …

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Social Network (RE) Design: Live Grid

GOAL:  Create an all-new type of social network that is more real and humanistic than existing popular networking such as Facebook and Twitter; Encourage people to move their body and use their hands a little bit more, instead of just sitting in front of their computers all the time; Help friends know each other’s schedule …

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7 in 7 Day 1- Save Me

My constraint for the 7 in 7 projects is that all of my projects have to do with veganism- specifically sustainability, health, and/or animal well-being. Todays project, titled “Save Me”, serves as a reminder to use electricity only as needed. The more electricity that is used, the more greenhouse gases are produced, which fuels global …

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Facebook Commentary: The FaceBook Builder

As a commentary on the importance we place on our position in the digital world and more specifically how our Facebook page represents us, I wanted to recreate as “Resume Builder” in the form of a Facebook profile creator service. My service is titled “Facebook Builder” and offers a variety of ways to improve your …

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Week2 Facebook Redesign

Facebook Redesign Our social life can be extremely diverse, and we have developed different sides to deal with our different social positions since when we were small children. Most of the time we show quite different faces or personalities and characters to our teachers, friends, co-workers and family members. But when this diversification comes to …

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Reading Response Week2

This week’s readings both explored and argued the positives and negatives of how we share, record, and learn information through “artifacts”. What made their approach so interesting for me was they they both begin from a purely analogue perspective. Escaping Flatland deals mainly with how we preserve visual datasets that cannot be observed directly, in our …

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