Digital/Digital: One day Ny tour with Most Liked Instagram Photos I combined instagram and googlemap to create a daily Ny tour. As me, people who are out of NY can create their daily tour with instagram’s most liked photos. It’s a new adventure. Digital/Physical: NEWYORK DAILY MOOD I combined Twitter and Brooklyn Bridge for …
September 2013 archive
Sep 25
The Response of Feedback Loop
After I read feedback loop and built up a concept of feedback loop, I think feedback loop is really a kind of interesting invention that it gave a guidance to human’s behavior. However I have some doubt it when I mentioned that feedback loop is always working through a way to tracking people’s behavior. As …
Sep 24
Maker Faire
1. Listen to a network When people play music together, they communicate with each other in complex,changing patterns. If one musician plays something different, the other musicians respond. It’s like a conversation among friends. You respond to their comments and tone of voice, and they respond to yours. The music network table simulates this exchange. …
Sep 24
Digital- Physical Mashup Oregon Trail
See the Oregan Trail Map My digital-physical mashup is an imagining of how a real life competitive race of Oregon Trail would occur. The emphasis of the game would be on maintaining health for all teammates that compete. A unique feature would be cooperation amongst competing teams, when either needs a boost …
Sep 24
Maker Faire Observations
One device that I absolutely loved is called the Useless Machine. When you turn it on, all it does is turn itself off. It is absolutely wonderful in its uselessness. I had the great opportunity to hear AJ Jacobs’ lecture. He is a writer and editor at large at Esquire magazine and specialized in writing …
Sep 23
murderNYC – Mashups
murderNYC: new yorkers would kill for your apartment The digital to digital mashup features homicide data for NYC overlaid on a map of the five boroughs. The first screen shows a visual representation of murder rates in New York over the last ten years. (We’re declining!) The gradients are relatively accurate, but definitely not mathematically …
Sep 23
Feedback Loops – The Fun Theory
I am really fascinated by the culture of gamification. I consistently notice changes in my personal behavior when I’m keeping track and that directly feeds into a gamification system. If I’m wearing a pedometer, I will walk more. If my friends are also, I will walk wherever I need to walk in order to defeat …
Sep 23
Digital – Digital – Physical Mashup Presentation
SIRP – Auto Race Riot Presentation in Power-Point Format
Sep 23
Maker Faire and Things
1. UNDERWATER ROBOT Having seen these mechanisms, I really want to create a water-related project soon. The fact that everything is water-prove gives the whole package/interface a very friendly and inviting nature. I kind of hope there are cameras that are attached to them. 2. MUSEUM OF INTERESTING THINGS: CALCULATOR This old, vintage creation seems …
Sep 23