November 2013 archive
Nov 21
Final Project Process Report: Memory Tree
Memory Tree. Process Report. Use input datas of stories from strangers. I want to ask them a question like ” When is the most memorial moment in your life?”, “What is the most valuable moment in your life?”, or “Tell me about your story that makes you heart-beating”. Based on the inputs, the tree can …
Nov 20
Readings that will help with user testing
Here are some readings that you should check out for conducting user tests: krug_2nd_Ch9 (1) dumas-redish_chap5 dumas-redish_chap7 dumas_redish_chap9 dumas-redish_chap8 2
Nov 13
USlouch Prototype #4
For this iteration I show an example of a possible animation that could represent one’s slouching activity which can be measured against others. The idea here is that for each time the user slouches a balloon pops, which would make the character drop lower. This depiction is a little too disconnected from the main idea …
Nov 13
Final Project Storyline’s_journey.htm#Practical The Hero’s Journey Outline The Hero’s Journey is a pattern of narrative identified by the American scholar Joseph Campbell that appears in drama, storytelling, myth, religious ritual, and psychological development. It describes the typical adventure of the archetype known as The Hero, the person who goes out and achieves great deeds on behalf of …
Nov 11
USlouch Prototype #3
This prototype is using JavaScript. The alert is on a timer and will signal 5 seconds after loading. The history button in the top right corner is an example of what the usage feedback may include. for the next iteration I hope to: -create a data visualization with the history info -create a social gaming …
Nov 10
Three references for the Final
1. Memory Selections 2. The Memory Process 3. Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics
Nov 06
project prototyping
1.Reference Academic Paper This is the reference article I use for set up my argument in my final project. In this project, through the project I did the research with the dynamic sensor by Arduino and shoes object, I want to study how could those wearable sensor set up a positive feedback loop in order …