1. Ascension – Interactive Installation (a) What is the project and who created it? :: The project is called ‘Ascension’ which is interactive installation. It is created by Willpower and Carrie Mae Rose (collaboration in the duo FLUID THUNDER). It is installed at Eyebeam (Art + Technology Center in New York City). (b) How does it …
November 2013 archive
Nov 06
Three References for My Final Project
1.Math and Science for Young Children 2.How Computer Games Help Children Learn 3.Game, Motivation, and Effective Learning: An Integrated Model for Educational Game Design
Nov 05
Prototype01 for My Final Project
Using a servo motor to control the little man’s arm and make him takes off his hat.
Nov 05
Three precedents of my final project
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGufcNWKIsM 1. What is the project and who created it? This video was made from a company that focus on treatment for insomnia. 2. How does it work / function? Is it interactive? If so how? This is a treatment for sleepless, it is not interactive. It uses visual effect and sound to improve sleep, …
Nov 05
Three Precdents of My Final Project
1.Penguin Paper Automata a. What is the project and who created it? This project is an interactive arduino toy made by Daniela Gill.(She is also from Parsons D&T) b. How does it work / function? Is it interactive? If so how? The Servo motor (continuous ) controls the speed with an Ultrasonic range finder. She used …
Nov 04
Sensor Pillows Prototype
i decided to add two sensor pillows rather than to put some sensors directly onto the chair. First pillow provides to stand up the user every hour to activate the constant body circulation. Each hour, pillow is gonna heat up, so users need to stand up and walk around until it cools down Second pillow …
Nov 04
Chalk Prototype
I did some chalk prototyping on my idea, which was really valuable in terms of user’s feelings and how they are interested in interacting with the project. This documentation is from midnight in Washington Heights (murder central). I found my subjects were (oddly) not as comfortable imitating the dead as I am. One subject had …
Nov 04
Final Project Precedents
1. Box explores the synthesis of real and digital space through projection-mapping onto moving surfaces. http://vimeo.com/75260457 2.Gumulon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVUHq9e4oC8 3. Pixelate-eating game which detects food you are eating http://www.creativeapplications.net/openframeworks/pixelate-guitar-hero-style-eating-game-which-detects-food-you-are-eating/ 4.Photoshop live I’m interested in the cool animation effects what could bring people into another technology world, and create an application could interact with body part, just like …
Nov 04
Research Paper References and User Testing
A few articles I will be referencing for this project are: Fred Gerr, Michele Marcus, Carolyn Monteilh, Epidemiology of musculoskeletal disorders among computer users: lesson learned from the role of posture and keyboard use, Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, Volume 14, Issue 1, February 2004, Pages 25-31 Paul Jarle Mork, Rolf H. Westgaard, Back posture …