1. Ascension – Interactive Installation
(a) What is the project and who created it? :: The project is called ‘Ascension’ which is interactive installation. It is created by Willpower and Carrie Mae Rose (collaboration in the duo FLUID THUNDER). It is installed at Eyebeam (Art + Technology Center in New York City).
(b) How does it work / function? Is it interactive? If so how? :: It is using interactive projection mapping of the tetrahedron winged computational fashion installation. It is using Processing to build visual effects and Leap Motion to make it interactive. “The Story: The animation displays beams of light representing solar neutrinos and the love we have access to at all times. Wings symbolize aspiration and ascension. The light is symbolic of angelic light coming from realms above, shining down to inspire and remind us that we are pure love in our hearts. The bubble eruptions represent both the thunderous fire energy residing inside our human forms and the Big Bang Theory that we are all becoming lighter and lighter each moment in time throughout our expansion into infinite space.” (description of the story comes form Viemo project explanation)
(c) What aspects of the project are similar to your project or influence your project? :: From the project, I think using projection mapping with interaction is similar to my idea and also it influences me to think how I can develop my work more specifically. In addition, I agree with the projects’ story/idea which is about telling human love and the expression of human forms as infinite space. Also, this work focuses on interaction with human. If it has no human actions, the effects won’t show up. I like the part it only works with interaction.
2. Interactive installation for Neubau Berlin. Human Tree Interaction
(a) What is the project and who created it? :: The project has human tree interaction concept which is interactive installation. It is created by Andreas Lutz and his fellows.
(b) How does it work / function? Is it interactive? If so how? :: It is also using interactive projection mapping between human and tree feature. It detects people’s movement and show movement of tree.
(c) What aspects of the project are similar to your project or influence your project? :: I want to work on with tree for my final because I want to make interaction between human and nature by using technology. This work is so interesting and inspires me a lot how to make interaction between people and projection of tree.
//p.s. Actually, this project is created by German and all of its descriptions are written in German, so it was hard to understand deeply what story the project want to tell.
3. Avatar Tree of Souls London
(a) What is the project and who created it? :: The project is about building Avatar Tree in real life and it is created by Stehen Lang. The project is about making real “Tree of Souls” and it is an interactive installation (connect to iPhone, tablet and etc.) which resembles to the movie (the tree can connect with Navi, Avatar).
(b) How does it work / function? Is it interactive? If so how? :: It is an installation project. Like I said above, it is interactive work. The tree’s trunk has sensors that can change the color and glows that interact with people’s movement. Furthermore, people can upload images and messages to a screen built into the tree by local Wi-Fi and Bluetooth networks which has purposed to make social networking status updates with an Earth Day message through smart phones. Also if people plug their MP3 players of phones into the tree, it will show visual effects with the music being played.
(c) What aspects of the project are similar to your project or influence your project? :: This is really similar to my final idea. I want to make interaction through not only movement of people but also uploading their memories such as images, quotes or their personal messages and plugging their phones to communicate with the tree more.
4. Crowdraw
(a) What is the project and who created it? :: The project ‘Crowdraw’ is created by everyware.kr.
(b) How does it work / function? Is it interactive? If so how? :: It is interactive art work by participants’ interaction via their smart phone- application.
(c) What aspects of the project are similar to your project or influence your project? :: I like the project leading “participants become not only project collaborators but also sponsors.” We can say the art work is made by us, participants. I want to make the final work of mine which will be ‘memory tree’ that can not only interact with people but also build by participation from people.