7in7 Day6- Save a Cow

Many people don’t realize that supporting the dairy industry also supports the meat industry. In order to get milk from a cow, that cow must give birth to a calf. In order for the dairy industry to make money and have a product to sell, the calf is taken from it’s mother, not able to drink her milk because that milk is sold to us. Instead, the calves are fed grains and are raised for beef and veal.

My project for today is a vegan frozen dessert. I made chocolate covered frozen bananas and on the stick I drew or wrote something. The idea is that a certain amount of these frozen bananas would be sold in a box and once all of them are eaten, you would be left with all of the sticks, that if you assemble them together will show a picture or phrase. The idea is to reward the behavior of eating a vegan dessert as opposed to a dairy ice cream desert. In this case, I have assembled the sticks to show  happy cow, and at the bottom of the picture, it says “you saved a cow, now save a pig… a.parsons.edu/~parsn497/Pig/sky.html” This links to my Day4 project “Escape Artist”. IMG_20130909_07543320130909_08042720130909_080549

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