Team Triple Faces – Strangers Set Intervention Final

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Team: Tony Tao/ Sophie Ma/ Tim Xiaofeng Lin

Location: Fresh Pond Road Subway Station (M Line)

Time: Oct 22th 2013 Afternoon

Weather: light rain

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Observed Problem: Crowds take the nearer steps when getting out of the station and ignore the extended aisle and the steps on the other side (circled in red).

Goal: To attract people’s attention on their way out (mostly) and interact with the installation on the weak side of the aisle, so that the exit may become less crowded and people can set their mood by playing and interacting.

Approach: Friendly typography and cute graphics

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Result: More people than expected chose to spend a minute to pin a paper face of emotion on the board. Most of the ones who would interact with the installation were youngsters and students

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