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- Final Project Precedents — 1 comments
- 7 in 7 – Day 1 – No Smoking for blind — 1 comments
Sep 09
I went to Yankee Stadium to watch baseball game, fans are so exciting to see Yankee could hit the ball, so I did this ‘Go Yankee’ hat, there are two iron wires in the hat, so when you pull the wires, the bat will hit the baseball, when you release the wires, they are separating. …
Sep 06
I notice that in lots of buildings, there are ‘No Smoking’ signs, and under the words, there always have braille, for blind’s convenient, I really like this details used in society for disabled people. But information’s expression is not only using the form of words or braille, we should create a vivid way for blind …
Sep 04
Music, drama, photos, movies, novels, experiences, these are ways to spread information nowadays. More and more novels are turned to movies, because people prefer to watch movies as entertainment, visually pictures and sound easier to be accept, people feel relax when watching movies. As the development of technology, we’d like to use the word …
Aug 28
Social networking is a new world to people, this world development rapidly, it is a chance to rebuild your new image, and strangers could judge you with social networking’s profile, you could show what makes you looks good. It’s like a new language, most people in Facebook use their actual ID, the real name, …