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- 7in7 /day2/ — 1 comments
- 7in7- day5 — 1 comments
- Scrapyard Challenge : Workshop — 1 comments
- Columbus Circle : Instruction for Strangers — 1 comments
Sep 30
This Saturday’s Workshop was about “Scrapyard Challenge”. My group, Sophie and Helen and I made an instrument that is called ‘Rainbow Monster’. As you can see in the pictures, we made it with junks such as a fan with a board from printer(maybe?) and straws and so on. At the first time, we tried to …
Sep 23
Sep 23
Harnessing the Power of Feedback Loops Response In the Reading, ‘Harnessing the Power of Feedback Loops’, the author says that showing datas of people’s behavior affects them to change their behavior. I think it is because they can be stimulated by tracking their behavior. It reminds me the way of losing weight that people who …
Sep 23
1. Sir Walter Cooler This Sir Walter Cooler from Microsoft was interesting to me because the machine shows emotional expression, which I am interested in, to give information of water needs to users. It tried to catch users’ attention by showing color on the board and also a man’s voice to encourage users to drink …
Sep 23
My idea for a mashup is combining weather data and twitter data with google map API. Some people feel depressed during rainy days while others feel happy. I wanted to mashup these two informations that can be related to each other. Google maps with weather information can achieve from Google API with weather data. For …
Sep 11
For my final project, I tried to explore the new technology I haven’t used before, Makey Makey. When I played with Makey Makey, I found that when 2or more people playing the game, it makes really excited and feel collaborating with them. As a result, I wanted to make a game that can play with …
Sep 11
I didn’t know what is mashup before reading the articles. Especially the article, “Hacking, Mashing, Gluing: Understanding Opportunistic Design” was caught my eyes because I am interested in ubiquitous computing design which is based on mashups. As I read them, I could realize that I already doing mashups such as referencing open source and using libraries …
Sep 11
The day 6th project is “BuzzYourWord” ! I wanted to explore Arduino in this time, but I just relized that I don’t have resistor, so I could only build Buzz thing that doesn’t require resistor. Because of that, building physical Arduino had to be very simple, but it was almost first time to code Arduino, …
Sep 09
“experience prototyping” I think we are practicing and experiencing prototypes everyday. I mean when we read books or watch movies, we practices future experience without notice. For instance, Harry Porter novel describes a magical thing that people in newspaper, pictures move and says something in dynamic and after the movie shows how it will look …