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- 7 of 7in7 — 1 comments
Oct 02
The readings gave me a very open-ended understanding of this project, but I kind of like that aspect of it. Out of the specific things I found inspiring, I thought that I was interesting how cultural probes applied methods of data collection one would find in the scientific process. However, this analytical technique is applied …
Sep 30
On saturday I participated in the scrapyard challenge. We essentially made a motorized flailĀ and tried to use it to complete circuits, which consisted of square pieces of tinfoil, wired directly into the arduino board/box. Our goal was to make an instrument that leaned on the side of giving agency to the musician, instead of embracing …
Sep 23
At maker faire, hidden amongst the 3d printers and food trucks, there were three major interfaces that caught my eye as pushing forward in the direction that interactive technology seems to be heading. The first was at the Microsoft tent. I was drawn to the touchscreen technology they were demoing, originally because of how intuitive …
Sep 11
For the readings on mashups, I thought about how interesting it was to explore a term that seems relatively in its infancy, even within the realm of new media design. It seemed like a lot of the authors didn’t want to tie it down to one specific thing, however they could concretely trace the history …
Sep 11
For the last project my constrain was to redesign touch screen buttons, without replacing their functionality with gestures. That basically means, that I just wanted to make a uniform visual scheme for using buttons in mobile apps. The reason I picked this was because I was thinking about how most mobile designers are trying to …
Sep 11
For this project I wanted to design controls for a game that don’t use any buttons, just mouse movement. I wanted to do this after painfully watching my parents trying to play a game. Their most consistent feedback was that pressing multiple buttons was confusing. So i tried to make the controls for asteroids with …
Sep 11
For my 5th project, I made a board game out of found objects. My constrains were that the objects had to be easy to find and disposable. Also the game had to use recognizable rules of other games. In my case I mixed the rules of chess and checkers, limited each player to 3 pieces, …
Sep 09
The readings this week focused on defining the strengths and weaknesses of prototyping, mock-ups, and sketches. However the tone of each piece differed greatly with each author’s intention for the articles. “What do Prototypes Prototype?” gave a very comprehensive reference on the function of prototyping to a reader who might be approaching the terminology for …
Sep 08
Today’s constrain was to make something that uses my phone’s gyroscope. During brainstorming, I kept coming back to something similar to those apps that people use for stargazing that lets them see constellations when they point their phone at the night sky. I decided to make an app for looking at clouds, thinking back to …
Sep 07
To keep with the tradition of overusing the number 7, I decided to try and piece together an fps in 7 hours. constrain: make an first person shooter in 7 hours. The idea is based off of theĀ 7 Hour FPS jam that happened on august 3rd. The code for the mouse and keyboard input, as …