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- Reading Response for 1st class — 1 comments
- 7 in 7 for DAY2 Self-Portrait for Cat — 1 comments
Nov 06
1.Reference Academic Paper This is the reference article I use for set up my argument in my final project. In this project, through the project I did the research with the dynamic sensor by Arduino and shoes object, I want to study how could those wearable sensor set up a positive feedback loop in order …
Oct 28
1. music sneaker 2. Run like me So in my final project I decided to expand on my mashup running project. The goal I want to achieve is to help people to run in a proper way and encourage more people to join the running community. I wanna use a motion sensor or knock …
Oct 21
My final project idea inspiration are coming from my Feedback loop project. In my feedback loop project, I designed a shoes sensor to tracking people’s working hour in front of my computer and locate the users in order to encourage them to work in a healthy way. And I think in my final project I …
Oct 02
My feedback loop is a reminder mechanism to the computer addicted person. When people are immerse into computer, they forgot time, and if we keep using computer in an unhealthy it will arouse a lot of healthy issues involve some unknown issue. So I create this shoe sensor to remind and implying people to sit …
Oct 01
1) Culture Probes In the passage of Culture Probes, the author talked about a some experimental urban strategy to evoke some suggestive response from elderly people. The way that project to execute really provided some inspiration to me to observe people’s behavior and helps me a new way to finding the real essence meaning behind …
Sep 25
After I read feedback loop and built up a concept of feedback loop, I think feedback loop is really a kind of interesting invention that it gave a guidance to human’s behavior. However I have some doubt it when I mentioned that feedback loop is always working through a way to tracking people’s behavior. As …
Sep 23
After a hours train to get Queens, which is really a long journey, the world maker’s faire really suprised me. This is my first time to attending make faire, and after I entered the park The first project I noticed was a Ecosystem tool key called, that is a tool that models carbon , …
Sep 18
My mashup idea this time are inspired by my daily running habits, running is actually a repetitive activity and compared to some competitive games like basketball , it is easy for runner to get board , if runner could change their running route sometimes, that will make most of runners enjoy running. So this mashup …