Joyce Xu

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  1. Reading Response for 1st class — 1 comments
  2. 7 in 7 for DAY2 Self-Portrait for Cat — 1 comments

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Information Representation in User Interface #reading response 2#

I want to talk about flat design when we talk about a word such as ‘ Flatland” and “information representation”, the same as the passage” Escaping Flatland”said, we display information in a two-dimension world.  The whole passage is talking about flatland as a way of information displaying. And in the field of design , recently …

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Reading Response for 1st class

Facebook redesign What are we talking about When we talk about facebook ? Or severely than all,social network. The first things I am thinking about is information subscription, the whole information operating system.For example when I log in the facebook page, we actually have trapped in a information waterfall, The photos,status of our friend just …

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