Maker Faire Experiences

1. 3 “interfaces” I saw at Maker Faire that were interesting

a. Project Spark (microsoft studios)

Project Sport was an open world digital canvas that let us create our own games, it’s kind of  like the Disney I-pad game “infinite toy box”. There was a guy continued telling people how to play this game in front of a big screen. I think it was interesting because all the time we just play the game and not to play the game which is created by us. My background is game design, so when I saw the beautiful game scenes on the screen I can’t help walking towards there!


b. Celebration (Michael Falco)

This project was a Carousel Band Organ, and had 122 hand crafted pipes of brass and wood.The pipes resonated and speaked by air pressure. When I went into the Maker Faire, I was attracted by the music made by this project. The music was so exciting and happy. And I can’t believe that this project used Arduino, and was operated wirelessly through an app.


c.Video Sans(Michael Newman)

This is a project that looked like a video game, but actually it’s not. It used a giant scrolling sheet of paper as the background while players control a spaceship on top of it. One of the cool things was that this project was made out of recycled components from gear like printers.


2. How did they encourage user interaction and what made them successful? If they were a failure, please explain why?

a. Project Spark 

They had a big screen showing the whole game and had a man trying to teach people how to use. The man’s voice was full of confidence and passion, and attracted so many children and adults. But I was hoping if he can let us to try this game it could be better.

b. Celebration

Although I didn’t see the maker(probably because he was going to buy lunch,) but I was still attracted by the beautiful loud music.

c.Video Sans

The maker of this project was so nice, when I walking through there, he told me to play this game, and answered all my questions patiently.

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