Reading Response Week 3- Mashups

Grey Album Producer Danger Mouse Explains How He Did It

The way Burton describes a mashup as a deconstruction as opposed to just stealing and reproducing is fascinating. This reading makes it clear that  since a mashup is dealing with two separate media, it is important to cater to the restrictions of each to make it work. The deconstructions really supports the integration of the songs as opposed to them sounding chopped together.

The New Math of Mashups

I like the way that Brown introduces the idea of finding a commonality in two songs that at first may appear completely different in every way. Emphasizing the idea that mashups should result in a single final product, not two products put together. I think it is interesting that this author states that Burton’s Grey Album is not a good example of a mashup because it is too seamlessly integrated. While I believe mashups where you can tell the different parts being mashed up are interesting, I also enjoy the seamlessness of a mashup like Burton’s- that is what makes Burton a musical artist himself. When talking about Roy Kerr’s work on “A Stroke of Genius”, the author mentions that once you hear the song twice you can’t imagine either of the original songs sounding different. It is as if the original two songs were made in preparation for the mashup and once the mashup is complete they become irrelevant. I feel this way about much of Girl Talk’s work.

Hacking, Mashing, Gluing: Understanding Opportunistic Design

Again I see more examples of the idea of deconstruction: the three toy designers from this interview sequence all bought toys to disassemble to mashup for their idea and as the author states, “sesigners extract mechanisms and reuse them in different skins”. SOmething that really interests me is the concept of different levels of integration that is mentioned here as hot glue and dovetail joints. It really depends on the type of mashup that one is doing to decide which method is best.

Mashups the New Breed of Web App:

Before beginning this reading, when I was thinking about possible mashup ideas, I questioned the feasibility with data integration. Like Burton says about his work, the two items have to be well integrated and in order to do so one has to find a common ground for hosting both technologies. The author here notes that “in addition to missing data or incomplete mappings, the mashup designer might discover that the data they wish to integrate is not suitable for machine automation; that it needs cleansing. For example, law enforcement arrest records might be entered inconsistently, using common abbreviations for names (such as “mkt sqr” in one record and “Market Square” in another), making automated reasoning about equality difficult, even with good heuristics.” Again, this further exemplifies Burton’s emphasis on the importance of deconstruction.


7 in 7 // Finally !!DAY7!!

For my final project, I tried to explore the new technology I haven’t used before, Makey Makey. When I played with Makey Makey, I found that when 2or more people playing the game, it makes really excited and feel collaborating with them. As a result, I wanted to make a game that can play with Makey Makey with 2 people collaborating.

If they don’t collaborate well, game will die and over, but when they do game with helping each other, it will alive forever(?).

Background image is an uninhabited island which no one lives there, and this presents people’s emotion- SOLITUDE, ISOLATION- we can feel in high-technoloty society. I want to give some collaborating things that people can work and have fun together to get rid of isolation they have felt.

This is just prototype, so I want to iterate the project looks more fancy and cute with giving more optional issues in the game such as time limits and accelerating speed.


I will attach just Processing that you can play with just keyboard(left key, right key), but it is actually playing with Makey Makey with two people holding and touching some materials to play.


Escaping Solitude

Reading Responds — Mashup

Mashup, this words for me as a stranger, when I began to read, I’m interesting about the music mashup, and I search the song, which is mentioned in the article. One song in Jay-Z and Lincoln Park’s grey album, is combine the India style as background with rap, it sounds so funny, between these two styles of music, there is a big gap, I mean they are so different, so make it together sounds like a brand new song, bring people new feeling. Then I search about mashup, and I found mashup is so popular nowadays, there is even have a competition called ‘Best of 2012 Mashup Your Bootz’. This link I found is from DJ Morgoth, it combine Zadd feat. Foxed – Clarity(Acapella) and Coldplay – Viva La Vida(Instrumental).


I think it is different when mashup in different area, music, picture, movie, web and product, music, picture and movie’s mashup is like to create a fun way to turn to another style, it is like use the material already have to redesign, the goal is to become a new art form. But as for web and product mashup is more like get more in formation together, to convenient people that how to obtain the information, and make people more clear about information, the goal is convenient, it not like a new art form, the functional is stronger when mashup web and product. I curious about mashup is a challenge? Or a kind of plagiarizing? How to define it? If I use other materials I found in website to combine and I could say this work is mine? Maybe it justlike teamwork could achieve better thing. A website is called IFTTT, it could connect different social networks, is that a form of mashup?

day7 Design Process footpage


This is the last one project I did for 7 in 7 ,  and I decide to make a conclusion to the 7 in 7,

to visualize the whole process of everyday project. And find out some design method I

learned from this quick everyday project.



design process

7 in 7: Day 7 – The Trickster

Surprise No post…TRICKED YOU



Just Kidding…P1020662


Pre-Work Write-Up:

The Trickster

v Precedents and their themes:

  • Loki – Thor Comic book and Movie
  1. Origin: Adopted Brother of the God Thor and a master of manipulation and Trickery. He enjoys playing allys and enemys alike against each other while staying out of the line of fire.
  2. Weapon: Spear
  3. Token: Artifacts that he steals using his trickery.
  4. Clothes: Armor of the Gods.
  5. Ethos: Neutral/ Evil
  6. Personality: As noted in his Ethos he has no problem with law as long as he is the one who is administering it. I think this takes hem out of a chaotic position because he uses the norms and social laws of society to trick and manipulate people.
  7. Gift/Talent: Illusion and misdirection magic.
  • The Joker – Batman Comic Books and Movies
  1. Origin: The Prime example of Chaotic Evil, he is the infamous arch nemisis of Batman. He commits violent and sadistic crimes for no other purpose then to “watch the world burn”.  He takes on the façade of a clown to make light of the chaos he commits.
  2. Weapon: Chemical Warfare, “A disappearing Pencil”
  3. Token: MakeUp and clown suit
  4. Clothes: Clown Suit
  5. Ethos: Chaotic Evil!
  6. Personality: His ethos says it all, he is evil with no regard to any system, rhyme or reason.
  7. Gift/Talent: Criminal Mastermind and Chemist.
  • The Illusive Man – Mass Effect Video Game Series.
  1. Origin: The Illusive man is the leader and mastermind behind a clandestine human civilization/mercenary organization called Cerberus. In a “universe” where aliens are as common as racial division in our own world his organization fights to make sure Humans have a galactic upper hand over other alien species. In the end this causes him to attempt to use an ancient alien species bean ton universal destruction to fight for the humans.
  2. Weapon: Politics, manipulation, intimidation, misdirection.
  3. Token: Alien artifacts.
  4. Clothes: Well tailored business suit.
  5. Ethos: Chaotic/ Neutral
  6. Personality: Methodical in his calculations, he is not the average jester like trickster, he is more calm and collected. A grand orchestrator of events and people. Misleading and bribing people into their own dooms all in the name of the greater good of the human race.
  7. Gift/Talent: Money!


v The Trickster’s Seven Themes

  • Origin: The Trickster can come from many different origins but normally they play an almost ShapeShifter like role for the story. The rogue also plays a good hand here never really committing to the moral quest but knowing that there will be treasure to be had. The main difference in between the two is that the Trickster’s allegiance is tenuous from the very beginning. The trickster often tries to manipulate the group for his benefit but it’s blatant and he sometimes uses humor are bluntness to mask this obvious motivation.
  • Weapon: As this character can be used as comedic relief,  the weapon and clothes can be something weird or off putting to throw the reader off.
  • Token: Jesters rod or hat (something amusing they hold on to)
  • Clothes: (see weapon)
  • Ethos: Neutral-Chaotic/ Good-Neutral
  • Personality: In relation to the hero, he offers comedic interpretation of the very serious issues the hero hopes to address. Often being aloof to the idea of any specific way to live ones life as “good”.
  • Gift/Talent: Sense of Humor.

Post Work Write Up:

Technically speaking I am the least pleased with this one. In the inking process I messed up the features and the smoothness of the clothes. He was supposed to be simply garbed but the picture (the use of other emblems specifically) are meant to imply that he was a manipulator of the story all along. Of all of the sketches this is the one I would most like to redo.

7 in 7: Day 6 – The Shadow



Pre Work Write Up:

The Shadow

v Precedents and their themes:

  • Sephiroth – Final Fantasy VII Video Game
  1. Origin: The Genetic clone of an evil scientist and the cells of an alien monster known as Jenova. Jenova’s goal is to devour planets and when he finds out he has been cloned Sephiroth aims to fulfill her destiny and become the new reincarnation of her power.
  2. Weapon: Giant Katana
  3. Token: Head of Jenova
  4. Clothes: Specialized SOLDIER uniform
  5. Ethos: Neutral / Evil
  6. Personality: He was once a revered and respected SOLDIER and the greatest fighter the world had ever known. While he was in a way humble about this position, he viewed it as a fact more then an emotional expression such as pride. He was what Cloud (the hero) dreamed most about becoming before he found out his origin and killed everyone in Cloud’s home village. He is the shadow of what Cloud could have been. And the true power behind why members of SOLDIER are so unnaturally strong.
  7. Gift/Talent: Genetic clone of Alien super-monster
  • Darth Vader – Star Wars Series
  1. Origin: Once Known as Anakin Skywalker, he fell from the Jedi Ways and became known as Darth Vader. As the “Shadow” and father of Luke Skywalker, he shows the possible future of the young Jedi as the story progresses.
  2. Weapon: Sith Lightsaber
  3. Token: Robotic limbs from failed attempt to defeat master Obi Wan
  4. Clothes: Modified armor similar to storm troopers
  5. Ethos: Lawful / Evil
  6. Personality: Similar to Luke, he begins out as a simple tinkerer in humble beginnings and becomes a jedi through fate. His turn from the good side of the force shows just how close Luke was to becoming the next Sith Lord. His Hatred for the empire could have broken him and made him a slave to it.
  7. Gift/Talent: The Force
  • The Govenor – The Walking Dead
  1. Origin: A maniacal leader of a surviving, but blind group during the zombie apocalypse, he rules as a gentle public figure and an iron fisted manipulator. As the leader of his group he clashes with the Hero Rick as the leader of the main character group. In a dark time in Rick’s  tenure as leader he shows just how far gone Rick COULD have gone and how even in his darkest moments he is a greater man then even he believes.
  2. Weapon: Automatic Rifle, Intimidation
  3. Token: Zombified Daughter.
  4. Clothes: Business Casual attire.
  5. Ethos: Appears to be Lawful but really Chaotic/ Evil
  6. Personality: Narcissistic and sadistic in secret. His passion is maintaining the façade of his charming, benevolent reign while murdering and pillaging under the name of “survival”
  7. Gift/Talent: Manipulating and/or intimidatingpeople


v The Shadow’s Seven Themes

  • Origin:The shadow is normally an exact portrayal of its name in reference to the hero. The shadow is what could have been for the hero in a change of circumstances. When hero is poor, the shadow is wealthy and arrogant. Even when the hero was raised in wealth as a benevolent and kind ruler, the shadow is the peasant who was dealt a poor hand and decides to take revenge against the elite. He gives contrast and perspective to the hero, developing both characters and the story (the implied message behind the story) more.
  • Weapon: Normally something similar to the Hero but more malicious. A sword with a serrated blade for example follows the heroes sword but has a crueler ability to cut.
  • Token: A token of his origin that mirrors the Hero’s. Perhaps his sword is a work of gold and diamonds, however functional, it shows his wealth in his cruelty.
  • Clothes: In the case of the Humble Hero, once again, he would be affluently dressed or in magnificent armor.
  • Ethos: Neutral – Chaotic /Evil normally.
  • Personality: The main way the shadow “shadows” the Hero is in his personality. Where the Hero is humble, the shadow is arrogant and narcissistic, where the Hero is Loyal, the Shadow is a betrayer. Where the Hero is Noble, the shadow is disgraceful.
  • Gift/Talent: In true shadow fashion, the Shadow either begins or (after encountering the hero) fights to attain a perversion of the heroes gift. If the hero has Holy Magic, the shadow will seek out pacts with demons etc etc.

 Post Work Write Up:

This character is the only one to have a shaded border and corner emblem, (special perk of being the shadow). After this one I decided it would be best to just go back over the others and ink them. While this steps outside of the parameters a little I think for the purposes of showing this on an electronic format this is necessary.

7 in 7: Day 5 – The ShapeShifter



Pre-Work Write Up:

The ShapeShifter

v Precedents and their themes:

  • Land Calrissian – Star Wars Episode 5 & 6
  1. Origin: Friend and fellow “rogue” character with Han Solo, He has become an overseer and authority figure in cloud city and in order to keep the city safe he makes a deal with Vader and the empire to hand over Han and the others who are seeking refuge.
  2. Weapon:Blaster
  3. Token: Millennium Falcon. (lost in a bet to Han Solo)
  4. Clothes: Overseer Outfit
  5. Ethos: Neutral – Chaotic/ Good
  6. Personality: Stereotypical rogue type character, he is fun, ladys man in the story until he makes the calculated decision to be betray Han. Making the pragmatic and sacrificial choice for his city instead of sticking by his friend.
  7. Gift/Talent:  Leader
  • Isabella – Video Game Dragon Age 2
  1. Origin: A Piratess who steals an important relic from a religious faction and is stranded in the city of Kirkwall with the them and the Hero. The faction does not see her face and does not know she has it, nor does the hero until she betrays him to steal the relic again.
  2. Weapon: Thieves Daggers
  3. Token: Pirate Ship
  4. Clothes: Pirates Clothes (loose fitting cloth “rogue” equipment)
  5. Ethos: Chaotic/ neutral
  6. Personality: The Harlot type character of the story, she is slightly implied as the Hero’s love interest, having him be the only man who could tie her down. Despite her interest in the hero she still betrays him for the
  7. Gift/Talent: Duelist “rogue:


v The ShapeShifter’s Seven Themes

  • Origin: The further away from the hero on the hierarchy the more varied this story line can become but there are a few things that are consistent. Either this character has always been closed to the main hero are he becomes very close to him as the story progresses to deepen the since of betrayal when the character lives out their name sake.
  • Weapon:The dagger is a common weapon for this type of character. As it is normally portrayed by the rogue who can not decide if they want to be good or evil.
  • Token: Something that gives the character a strong reason to betray the hero whom they have become close too.
  • Clothes: Normally not the heavy armored type. Since it is normally the rogue it is a general idea of leather or multifaceted armor.
  • Ethos:  Normally neutral on the aspect of law but can flips on the good and evil scale.
  • Personality: As I said before, this is something that can change shapes (pardon the pun on the shapeshifters nature). The Shifter can be whatever the player needs until he gets what he wants. Often times the shifter has to decide wither the façade he used is what he wanted to be.
  • Gift/Talent: Normally good at deception or disguise, rogue skills.

Post Work-Write up:

For this one I choose to add in another character type to pile on top of the shape shifter. Similar to Isabella of Dragon Age, I wanted this character to be a love interest. Holding a dagger in one hand, and a burning rose in the other (like the hero she has an “elemental” gift. I also choose the black widow for her corner emblem and changing shapes that rotate between circle, triangle, and square.

Reading Response: Mashup

I didn’t know what is mashup before reading the articles. Especially the article, “Hacking, Mashing, Gluing: Understanding Opportunistic Design” was caught my eyes because I am interested in ubiquitous computing design which is based on mashups. As I read them, I could realize that I already doing mashups such as referencing open source and using libraries which I frequently use them while coding.  Also, lots of maps that have various information like nice restaurant recommending application, “yelp” which is very useful to search delicious and famous restaurant with other people’s comments. In addition, I want to say not only web and software-based mashups, but also physical devices have been integrating. For example, a smart phone that I think it is the very mashup thing integrates cellular phone, PC, camera, recorder, video player, music player and so on.  The fact that numerous things are functioning in a device has changed our life patterns which means that it brought a new paradigm, ‘smart’ world. Moreover, people are now trying to mashup things in a device such as smart cars, smart home, and etc., and also make connection between those things which can be looked as a mashup. In other words, we are heading to ubiquitous computing world.

From the reading, “Mashups: The new breed of Web app”, I could think some issues that I want to concern about. Specifically, the reliability of integrated information, ‘data integration challenges’ that the author describes in the article is a representative problem of them. For instance, we can get sources from articles, bloggers, and news when we search on the search-engine like Google, but there are some information that hasn’t verified before it is uploaded even internet news articles ( some times this is a starting point of rumor and gossips), and also it is hard to find precise information between numerous useless information floating on the web.

Reading Response Week Three: Mashup the World

Mashing up together or syncing, harmonizing or paralleling, original or edited, these are the questions I come up with when the word mashup appears.
Several important issues when it comes to create a mashup project:
1. choice of materials;
2. (Re)Composition;
3. Post-editing.
Good mashups take successful elements or aspects from different sources and rebuild something unnecessarily identical to the originals but something freshly revived instead.



Another possibly interesting thing is that we need to consider what the relationship between the two mashed up elements are, both before and after, which helps us understand what opportunities of the mashup can be done.

New word I learned from the Grey Album article – orchestration

Originally, mashup was used to describe songs that “meshed two different styles of music into one song”.In the world of web, s mashup describes a web application that “combines multiple services into a single application”. It is a process of reasonable reconstruction and, in a way, a media that uses “found materials” — media is the message, and thus references to the original sources have to have a reason. That is why I believe that mashups always cause controversies, since people who are interested in different sources may take different aspects and exaggerate their focus into their standing point for naming other people’s remakes of that same source.


[7IN7] 007 – Bye 7IN7

See ya!

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