Readings that will help with user testing

Here are some readings that you should check out for conducting user tests:

krug_2nd_Ch9 (1)




dumas-redish_chap8 2


USlouch Prototype #4

For this iteration I show an example of a possible animation that could represent one’s slouching activity which can be measured against others. The idea here is that for each time the user slouches a balloon pops, which would make the character drop lower. This depiction is a little too disconnected from the main idea of slouching, so for my next iteration I plan to alter this to be more related to the actual concept at hand.

Check out this version here.

Final research update

Wearable Technology


some interesting Arduino sensor project:

Final Project Storyline’s_journey.htm#Practical

The Hero’s Journey Outline

The Hero’s Journey is a pattern of narrative identified by the American scholar Joseph Campbell that appears in drama, storytelling, myth, religious ritual, and psychological development.  It describes the typical adventure of the archetype known as The Hero, the person who goes out and achieves great deeds on behalf of the group, tribe, or civilization.

Its stages are:


    1. STORYPOINT Told from that Archetype’s perspective

      1. My notes about what I am going to write about


    1. THE ORDINARY WORLD.  The hero, uneasy, uncomfortable or unaware, is introduced sympathetically so the audience can identify with the situation or dilemma.  The hero is shown against a background of environment, heredity, and personal history.  Some kind of polarity in the hero’s life is pulling in different directions and causing stress.

      1. See the hero in humble beginnings as an orphan farmer under his mentor’s protection

      2. Meet the Mentor as a parent and learning figure for the hero.

      3. ShapeShifter from the hero’s perspective as early child hood friend and love interest

      4. Glimpse at hero’s gift.

    2. THE CALL TO ADVENTURE.  Something shakes up the situation, either from external pressures or from something rising up from deep within, so the hero must face the beginnings of change.

      1. Meet the Herald who will become a part of the hero’s group and friend. Warns about coming of the shadow.

      2. See instant polar opposite of hero and shadow.

      3. Face-off cliffhanger


    1. REFUSAL OF THE CALL.  The hero feels the fear of the unknown and tries to turn away from the adventure, however briefly.  Alternately, another character may express the uncertainty and danger ahead.

      1. Week after the face-off. Hero is despondent and lost. Mentor worried about him both emotionally and practically.

      2. Learn about Mentors views on Shapeshifter, seeing what the Hero does not in her

      3. Hero has lost his home to shadow

      4. Get a recap of the face-off from mentor’s spectator perspective. Shows true power of the Hero’s Gift and how it also caused the lost of his world while fighting the shadow

    2. MEETING WITH THE MENTOR.  The hero comes across a seasoned traveler of the worlds who gives him or her training, equipment, or advice that will help on the journey.  Or the hero reaches within to a source of courage and wisdom.

      1. Learn more about history of mentor and and character

      2. Hero learns there is a way to control his power

      3. Begin “montage” of hero’s training


    1. CROSSING THE THRESHOLD.  At the end of Act One, the hero commits to leaving the Ordinary World and entering a new region or condition with unfamiliar rules and values.

      1. Mystical, almost divine guardian of relic that the hero is destined to find watches through magical means as the hero trains and makes his way to the Guardian.

      2. Gives insight into the world and the other characters in it. Perhaps foreshadows treachery of the shapeshifter. maybe sacrifice of mentor or friend.


    1. TESTS, ALLIES AND ENEMIES.  The hero is tested and sorts out allegiances in the Special World.

      1. Trials to reach supernatural location of threshold guardian who has the means to help hero control his gift.

      2. Herald sees how the hero has changed from humble beginning to being a moral hero by the journey to this place

    2. APPROACH.  The hero and newfound allies prepare for the major challenge in the Special world.

      1. Aids the hero with perspective on his journey. Asks the more philosophical questions about why the hero needs to control his gift, why he fights before he goes into the special world.


    1.  THE ORDEAL.  Near the middle of the story, the hero enters a central space in the Special World and confronts death or faces his or her greatest fear.  Out of the moment of death comes a new life.

      1. The shape Shifter watches and helps as the Hero faces his challenges, Being his youngest childhood friend and love interest she becomes more and more despondent the closer they get to the end foreshadowing her “shapeshift”.

      2. Watches as the hero faces his final challenge alone. Having a final debate about where her loyalties lie: with hero: or unrevealed others

    2. THE REWARD.  The hero takes possession of the treasure won by facing death.  There may be celebration, but there is also danger of losing the treasure again.

      1. As the hero defeats the Guardian, the hero begins to realize the relic just amplifies his power and the ability to control it. However, treachery strikes and the shape-shifter reveals her own gift in an attempt to take the relic. She fails due to the intervention of the mentor, resulting in the mentors grave physical injury, and other emotional injury all around.


    1. HE ROAD BACK.  About three-fourths of the way through the story, the hero is driven to complete the adventure, leaving the Special World to be sure the treasure is brought home.  Often a chase scene signals the urgency and danger of the mission.

      1. On the way from the special world the Hero is torn between the chase of  the Shifter and a rush to get healing for his mentor, again being guided by the herald on the moral implications of his journey.

      2. This part is told from the shadow’s perspective, as his mean catch on to them after the leave the special world and (the shadow being an elite and evil noble with resources beyond magical gifts) The shadows agents follow and spy on the hero in his mad rush back into the world For-shadowing final conflict

    2.  THE RESURRECTION.  At the climax, the hero is severely tested once more on the threshold of home.  He or she is purified by a last sacrifice, another moment of death and rebirth, but on a higher and more complete level.  By the hero’s action, the polarities that were in conflict at the beginning are finally resolved.

      1. Just as the hero realizes that his gift can be used for more than destruction but to heal  his mentor, the shadow himself finally appears again desiring revenge for the first battle. In a grand display, the hero manages to show the Shadow’s true colors to his subordinates in his lack of control of his (the shadow’s) gift and subsequent “friendly fire”. Winning the battle through morality and saving his energy to heal his mentor.


    1. RETURN WITH THE ELIXIR.  The hero returns home or continues the journey, bearing some element of the treasure that has the power to transform the world as the hero has been transformed.

      1. After the grand battle as the Hero returns home with mentor and Herald, they form plans to meet the Herald’s superiors and assume a more productive life of service to the people of his lands. At the footsteps of the Heralds home city, they camp and it is revealed that they are being watched. After some amusing commentary on their journey the trickster steps forth with the shapeshifter, using a far more devious gift to subdue the hero and his party and take the relic, explaining the greater politics of the world beyond the purely good and evil battle the hero has had.

      2. This sets up for an expansion to the story. And takes the story from being purely a fantastic tale, showing the gray areas of the world.

USlouch Prototype #3

This prototype is using JavaScript. The alert is on a timer and will signal 5 seconds after loading. The history button in the top right corner is an example of what the usage feedback may include. for the next iteration I hope to:

-create a data visualization with the history info

-create a social gaming aspect

-change the alert graphic to be more anatomically correct

-use apple script to create punishments for poor posture

View prototype here

Three references for the Final

1. Memory Selections

2. The Memory Process

3. Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics

Mock you like Nelson..(prototype02)

project prototyping

1.Reference Academic Paper

This is the reference article I use for set up my argument in my final project.

In this project, through the project I did the research with the dynamic sensor by Arduino and shoes object, I want to  study how could those wearable sensor  set up a positive feedback loop in order to change people’s behaviour in a proper way.


My idea is about to expand my feedback loop project, create a shoe sensor to set up a feedback loop,

I wanna stitch a pressure sensor into the shoes, and it will keep quiet in half an hour, once the sitting hours has exceeded , the shoe sensor will arouse the sound. And it will also present the users index based on the the shoe snesors.

idea visuliazation



3 Precedents for Final

1. Ascension – Interactive Installation 

(a) What is the project and who created it?  :: The project is called ‘Ascension’ which is interactive installation. It is created by Willpower and Carrie Mae Rose (collaboration in the duo FLUID THUNDER). It is installed at Eyebeam (Art + Technology Center in New York City).

(b) How does it work / function? Is it interactive? If so how? :: It is using interactive projection mapping of the tetrahedron winged computational fashion installation. It is using Processing to build visual effects and Leap Motion to make it interactive. “The Story: The animation displays beams of light representing solar neutrinos and the love we have access to at all times. Wings symbolize aspiration and ascension. The light is symbolic of angelic light coming from realms above, shining down to inspire and remind us that we are pure love in our hearts. The bubble eruptions represent both the thunderous fire energy residing inside our human forms and the Big Bang Theory that we are all becoming lighter and lighter each moment in time throughout our expansion into infinite space.” (description of the story comes form Viemo project explanation)

(c) What aspects of the project are similar to your project or influence your project? :: From the project, I think using projection mapping with interaction is similar to my idea and also it influences me to think how I can develop my work more specifically. In addition, I agree with the projects’ story/idea which is about telling human love and the expression of human forms as infinite space. Also, this work focuses on interaction with human. If it has no human actions, the effects won’t show up. I like the part it only works with interaction.

 2. Interactive installation for Neubau Berlin. Human Tree Interaction

(a) What is the project and who created it?  :: The project has human tree interaction concept which is interactive installation. It is created by Andreas Lutz and his fellows.

(b) How does it work / function? Is it interactive? If so how? :: It is also using interactive projection mapping between human and tree feature. It detects people’s movement and show movement of tree.

(c) What aspects of the project are similar to your project or influence your project? ::  I want to work on with tree for my final because I want to make interaction between human and nature by using technology. This work is so interesting and inspires me a lot how to make interaction between people and projection of tree.

//p.s. Actually, this project is created by German and all of its descriptions are written in German, so it was hard to understand deeply what story the project want to tell.

3. Avatar Tree of Souls London

(a) What is the project and who created it?  :: The project is about building Avatar Tree in real life and it is created by Stehen Lang. The project is about making real “Tree of Souls” and it is an interactive installation (connect to iPhone, tablet and etc.) which resembles to the movie (the tree can connect with Navi, Avatar).

(b) How does it work / function? Is it interactive? If so how? :: It is an installation project. Like I said above, it is interactive work. The tree’s trunk has sensors that can change the color and glows that interact with people’s movement. Furthermore, people can upload images and messages to a screen built into the tree by local Wi-Fi and Bluetooth networks which has purposed to make social networking status updates with an Earth Day message through smart phones. Also if people plug their MP3 players of phones into the tree, it will show visual effects with the music being played.

(c) What aspects of the project are similar to your project or influence your project? ::  This is really similar to my final idea. I want to make interaction through not only movement of people but also uploading their memories such as images, quotes or their personal messages and plugging their phones to communicate with the tree more.

4. Crowdraw

(a) What is the project and who created it?  :: The project ‘Crowdraw’ is created by  .

(b) How does it work / function? Is it interactive? If so how? :: It is interactive art work by participants’ interaction via their smart phone- application.

(c) What aspects of the project are similar to your project or influence your project? ::  I like the project leading “participants become not only project collaborators but also sponsors.” We can say the art work is made by us, participants. I want to make the final work of mine which will be ‘memory tree’ that can not only interact with people but also build by participation from people.



Three References for My Final Project

1.Math and Science for Young Children

2.How Computer Games Help Children Learn

3.Game, Motivation, and Effective Learning: An Integrated Model for Educational Game Design