Using a servo motor to control the little man’s arm and make him takes off his hat.
Nov 05
Three precedents of my final project
1. What is the project and who created it?
This video was made from a company that focus on treatment for insomnia.
2. How does it work / function? Is it interactive? If so how?
This is a treatment for sleepless, it is not interactive. It uses visual effect and sound to improve sleep, such as deep voice, background music.
3. What aspects of the project are similar to your project or influence your project? The visual design? The interaction? The industrial design? The location? The Audience?
The visual design are influence my project.
1. What is the project and who created it?
A Korean designer created it, this is a dynamic projection.
2. How does it work / function? Is it interactive? If so how?
The main hardwares are projector and Kinect, it is interactive, and it can through motions to make interacting with birds.
3. What aspects of the project are similar to your project or influence your project? The visual design? The interaction? The industrial design? The location? The Audience?
The visual design and interaction are similar to my project, also those are influence my project.
1. What is the project and who created it?
This is a children’s bedroom, it is a picture.
2. How does it work / function? Is it interactive? If so how?
Child usually like this kind of room, because the child like colors and prefer to choose a comfortable environment to go to sleep, such as starry sky, this wallpaper provides a cozy environment. So it can can promote sleep.
3. What aspects of the project are similar to your project or influence your project? The visual design? The interaction? The industrial design? The location? The Audience?
The location, location and visual design are influence my project
Nov 05
Three Precdents of My Final Project
1.Penguin Paper Automata
a. What is the project and who created it?
This project is an interactive arduino toy made by Daniela Gill.(She is also from Parsons D&T)
b. How does it work / function? Is it interactive? If so how?
The Servo motor (continuous ) controls the speed with an Ultrasonic range finder. She used distance to effect speed. Whenever one is more than 1′ away, the penguin stops. If one gets closer he starts to move up and down flapping his wings.So it is interactive.
c. What aspects of the project are similar to your project or influence your project? The visual design? The interaction? The industrial design? The location? The Audience?
Our project is both working on arduino, and both using a servo motor and a distance sensor. The most important part of this project is that how to make an arduino set interesting. I also like the design of this toy, it covers all the arduino wires and other stuff. I wish I can make some interesting stuff, too.
2. Swan paper Automata
a. What is the project and who created it?
This project is an interactive arduino automata made by Jennifer Matsumoto.
b. How does it work / function? Is it interactive? If so how?
Controlling the speed and movement of a paper automata using an Arduino Micro. The speed is determined by the distance an object is away from using the values picked up from an ultrasonic rangefinder. The Arduino, servo motor, and range finder are powered by a 9V battery back.
c. What aspects of the project are similar to your project or influence your project? The visual design? The interaction? The industrial design? The location? The Audience?
Our project is both working on arduino, and both using a servo motor and a distance sensor. And I like the way the swans move, so I might use this technique, too.
3.Hello World
a. What is the project and who created it?
This project is an interactive arduino toy made by Mimi Son.
b. How does it work / function? Is it interactive? If so how?
She used a servo motor and a piezo to build a little man that can move his arm, and a background music. It’s not interactive.
c. What aspects of the project are similar to your project or influence your project? The visual design? The interaction? The industrial design? The location? The Audience?
Our project is both working on arduino, and both using a servo motor. Even though this project is nice, I think adding some interactive part into her toy could be better.
Nov 04
Sensor Pillows Prototype
i decided to add two sensor pillows rather than to put some sensors directly onto the chair.
First pillow provides to stand up the user every hour to activate the constant body circulation. Each hour, pillow is gonna heat up, so users need to stand up and walk around until it cools down
Second pillow is gonna measure the distance between user and the chair. If the distance between user is gonna rise, LED will be activated to warn user that they sit in a wrong way. If the distance is normal, LED is gonna have a constant color.
Nov 04
Chalk Prototype
I did some chalk prototyping on my idea, which was really valuable in terms of user’s feelings and how they are interested in interacting with the project. This documentation is from midnight in Washington Heights (murder central). I found my subjects were (oddly) not as comfortable imitating the dead as I am. One subject had a visceral reaction where she was visibly uncomfortable and her voice octave reflected that. I wanted it to be a disturbing experience, but i didn’t realize just how disturbing it could be. They also were unhappy with unhygienic nature of the experience. And, they were incredibly uncomfortable whenever a passerby happened on the scene.
Based on these experiences, I’d like to explore an indoor installation type version, where you can experience this, but in a safe place. Alternatively, as Alex suggested (and the prototype users), to keep it in outdoor physical space, it could be an outline on a wall, where the user needs to lean against the wall, rather than lying on the ground.
In related news, I’m exploring using human breath to disappear a message or to turn off the outline, as human breath is the signifier of life.
Nov 04
Final Project Precedents
1. Box explores the synthesis of real and digital space through projection-mapping onto moving surfaces.
3. Pixelate-eating game which detects food you are eating
4.Photoshop live
I’m interested in the cool animation effects what could bring people into another technology world, and create an application could interact with body part, just like the Gumulon.
Nov 04
Research Paper References and User Testing
A few articles I will be referencing for this project are:
Paul Jarle Mork, Rolf H. Westgaard, Back posture and low back muscle activity in female computer workers: A field study, Clinical Biomechanics, Volume 24, Issue 2, February 2009, Pages 169-175
Leon M. Straker, Peter B. O'Sullivan, Anne Smith, Mark Perry, Computer Use and Habitual Spinal Posture in Australian Adolescents, Public Health Rep. 2007 Sep-Oct; 122(5): 634–643.
This week I did some user testing in order to test my first USlouch prototype. The results were as follows:
User Expectations:
-in order to get the alert to go away, produce good posture
-an easy way to turn the application on and off
User Suggestions:
-Customizable color scheme (though all users notes that they liked the grey)
-Some users suggested an on/off switch in the notifications bar, others thought the notification bar gets too cluttered
-Users wanted a constant reminder of the % of the time that they had poor posture (turn it into a game by having users try to get the percentage down)
-Create a calibration phase
General Feedback:
-Users liked that it was more of a reminder instead of an interruption
-Users did not care about the exact curvature depiction: "I don't know what I would do with that information"
Nov 04
Thoughts and Precedents Expounded
Alright, I’m ready to talk about this. As discussed, I want to work with human conductivity and explore the idea of chalk outlines of murder victims. There are two ways we can go at this point: (1) a “chalk outline” that would light up when a human’s hands complete the circuit or (2) a projection mapping situation that would be highly interactive and the outline would move with the human. Though 2 has many pro’s, I’m leaning toward 1 for two reasons. The first is that I like the idea that the living human doesn’t have a choice in the position. (That’s because I’m a dictator.) To really feel the gravity of the situation, I think you can’t be moving a line around you; you have to go where the victim was. The second reason is purely aesthetic. I love the vision in my head of lights surrounding a person.
But, I’m still in the exploration period. For both, I want to have information about the victim of the area readily available either through a projection or a screen that is driven by a touch or motion sensor.
I’m including my original precedents from a previous post and the extended version.
#1 – New York Times Murder Map
New York Times map of murders in NYC for 2003-2011. This is a map that aggregates the data of murders in New York City. If you zoom in on the area, you can get details of specific murders. This relates in that we cover the same information: murders in New York.
#2 – NYC Ghosts and Murders Walking Tours
Walking tours of NYC neighborhoods focusing on historical murders in the area. Participants can embark on this journey with a tourguide as they explore the area and learn about murders. This relates in that we both focus on murders in New York and sharing information about those murders in physical space.
#3 – Colonial and Civil War era history in Fredericksburg, VA
QR codes posted on historically significant buildings that link to short informative videos about the history of the specific building and surrounding area in Fredericksburg, VA. Heritage Media created this project and it is called ‘Storefront Stories’. Users can scan the QR codes with their phones to view the video related to the building. This is a possible way to share the history of my project: via QR codes.
#4- Body Light Kit
Human Conductivity with lights by Eastern Voltage Research. To light up the lights, this project requires human hands to complete the circuit. I want to light up a “chalk outline” using human conductivity.
#5- #deaddenah (precedent for #deaddenah- deadsquare by Michael Bettendo. #meta)
Due to a discovery of perfect alliteration and a curious proclivity toward an exploration of death, I’ve embarked on a performance piece where I photograph myself “dead” in interesting situations. Deadsquare is a social media parody and specifically a commentary on foursquare and people’s obsessive need to check-in. Users take photos of themselves “dead” and upload them to deadsquare. The users of both this project and mine have to imagine themselves in the position of the dead, via actually being in the position of the dead.