Mashup, this words for me as a stranger, when I began to read, I’m interesting about the music mashup, and I search the song, which is mentioned in the article. One song in Jay-Z and Lincoln Park’s grey album, is combine the India style as background with rap, it sounds so funny, between these two styles of music, there is a big gap, I mean they are so different, so make it together sounds like a brand new song, bring people new feeling. Then I search about mashup, and I found mashup is so popular nowadays, there is even have a competition called ‘Best of 2012 Mashup Your Bootz’. This link I found is from DJ Morgoth, it combine Zadd feat. Foxed – Clarity(Acapella) and Coldplay – Viva La Vida(Instrumental).
I think it is different when mashup in different area, music, picture, movie, web and product, music, picture and movie’s mashup is like to create a fun way to turn to another style, it is like use the material already have to redesign, the goal is to become a new art form. But as for web and product mashup is more like get more in formation together, to convenient people that how to obtain the information, and make people more clear about information, the goal is convenient, it not like a new art form, the functional is stronger when mashup web and product. I curious about mashup is a challenge? Or a kind of plagiarizing? How to define it? If I use other materials I found in website to combine and I could say this work is mine? Maybe it justlike teamwork could achieve better thing. A website is called IFTTT, it could connect different social networks, is that a form of mashup?