Tag: 7in7

7in7 Day6- Save a Cow

Many people don’t realize that supporting the dairy industry also supports the meat industry. In order to get milk from a cow, that cow must give birth to a calf. In order for the dairy industry to make money and have a product to sell, the calf is taken from it’s mother, not able to …

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7 in 7-Day 5 Texture Distortion

Given our recent readings on sketching and prototyping, I wanted to create a prototype for visualizing and changing texture using an optical tool. My constraints are still to use an organic subject matter, in this case an orange. I first made simple sketches of the cross section of an orange to depict the difference in …

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7in7 Day 5 – Vegan Heat Map of NYC

Today I made a heat map of vegan restaurants in NYC. Whenever I make travel plans to a new city, as a vegan, I often have to plan my trip around restaurants. For example, I will not want to stay in a part of the city that has little to no vegan options. I want …

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7in7 Day 4- Escape Artist

Today I decided to test out my very limited javaScript skills. I created an animation where you will see a man ready to eat a pig. If you click on the pig he will escape. I would love to continue to play around with this and enable the pig to jump over the hungry man, …

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7in7- Day 4 Weeds of NYC

    Even in New York City, we are still surrounded by nature and organic matter.  One must simply look a little harder to see it. I created this interactive graphic via Processing to identify common weeds that can be found in the city. I define weeds as plants that can grow on their own …

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7in7 Day 3- Is it Vegan?

So often do I find myself wondering if certain products are vegan or not. I would love a quick and easy way to answer my question. I have created a website to answer the question “Is it vegan?”. This version of the site is not 100% accurate as of yet but I can definitely attest …

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7 in 7- Day 3 Miniature Ecosystem

Originally I said I wanted to use organic material to design representations of man made objects.  In this project I wanted to create a representation of a natural ecosystem within an artificial environment.  I used material that I found outside ( rocks, soil, moss, a vascular plant) and placed them within a closed space that …

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7in7 Day 2- I am Animal

Today for my project I decided to do a study. I wanted to see how people react when they can see themselves or a loved one in an un-livable situation that factory-farmed animals endure every day. I set up a cardboard cut out of a scene from a factory farm to mimic the cut outs …

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7 in 7 Day 1

I’m interested in the use of organic material  to create man-made objects with typically mechanical functions.  By using perishable or biodegradable substances, one must consider how the object will hold up against decay during the time its functioning with another purpose.  In my first project I wanted to create a lantern out of a pepper …

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