For my final project I would like to expand upon my feedback loop assignment from earlier in the semester. My feedback loop assignment, iSlouch, was a look and feel prototype that demonstrated the interface of a posture detection program. The idea is that when the user slouches while using their computer, the interface on their …
Tag: feedback loop
Oct 02
FEEDBACK LOOP _ Shoe Machine Sensor
My feedback loop is a reminder mechanism to the computer addicted person. When people are immerse into computer, they forgot time, and if we keep using computer in an unhealthy it will arouse a lot of healthy issues involve some unknown issue. So I create this shoe sensor to remind and implying people to sit …
Oct 02
snarkicity #firstworldproblems
For my feedback loop project, I’d like to present “snarkicity: saving your money and the earth one mildly abusive comment at a time.” The idea is that people aren’t aware enough of how they’re spending their money on electricity at any given time. To remedy this issue, snarkicity would gather your electricity usage data and display …
Oct 02
Feedback Loop sweat biosensor
My feedback loop focuses on the idea of personalizing aerobic workouts for intense exercisers by measuring your metabolic changes as you work out. This idea is based on biosensor prototypes created by the Wang lab group from UCSD. Read about their research here. Secretions from sweat as you exercise …
Oct 02
Feedback Loop- iSlouch
For my Feedback Loop project I have created a prototype for iSlouch. The basic idea is that when using the computer it is easy to lose good posture gradually. When the user begins to slouch iSlouch will notify the user by showing a graphic of what the user’s spine looks like. This graphic will take …
Sep 25
The Response of Feedback Loop
After I read feedback loop and built up a concept of feedback loop, I think feedback loop is really a kind of interesting invention that it gave a guidance to human’s behavior. However I have some doubt it when I mentioned that feedback loop is always working through a way to tracking people’s behavior. As …
Sep 22
Feedback Loop Reading Response
I like the idea that a successful feedback loop is said to trigger an emotional feeling or connection which then drives us to act on a rational goal. It is very effective to guide our emotional responses toward productivity. It is also important, when designing a feedback loop to make sure the feedback is given …