Three Precdents of My Final Project

1.Penguin Paper Automata

a. What is the project and who created it? 

This project is an interactive arduino toy made by  .(She is also from Parsons D&T)

b. How does it work / function? Is it interactive? If so how? 

The Servo motor (continuous ) controls the speed with an Ultrasonic range finder. She used distance to effect speed. Whenever one is more than 1′ away, the penguin stops. If one gets closer he starts to move up and down flapping his wings.So it is interactive.

c. What aspects of the project are similar to your project or influence your project? The visual design? The interaction? The industrial design? The location? The Audience? 

Our project is both working on arduino, and both using a servo motor and a distance sensor. The most important part of this project is that how to make an arduino set interesting. I also like the design of this toy, it covers all the arduino wires and other stuff. I wish I can make some interesting stuff, too.


2. Swan paper  Automata

a. What is the project and who created it? 

This project is an interactive arduino automata made by  .

b. How does it work / function? Is it interactive? If so how? 

Controlling the speed and movement of a paper automata using an Arduino Micro. The speed is determined by the distance an object is away from using the values picked up from an ultrasonic rangefinder. The Arduino, servo motor, and range finder are powered by a 9V battery back.

c. What aspects of the project are similar to your project or influence your project? The visual design? The interaction? The industrial design? The location? The Audience? 

Our project is both working on arduino, and both using a servo motor and a distance sensor. And I like the way the swans move, so I might use this technique, too.


3.Hello World

a. What is the project and who created it? 

This project is an interactive arduino toy made by  .

b. How does it work / function? Is it interactive? If so how? 

She used a servo motor and a piezo to build a little man that can move his arm, and a background music. It’s not interactive.

c. What aspects of the project are similar to your project or influence your project? The visual design? The interaction? The industrial design? The location? The Audience? 

Our project is both working on arduino, and both using a servo motor.  Even though this project is nice,  I think adding some interactive part into her toy could be better.

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